its propensity for outright
hostility against citizens loyal to the rightfully elected government of the United States, the
military-industrial complex and its cohorts in the rapacious
plutocracy has done injustice to the fed and to the American people
alike in that instead of clever or devious tactics it prefers as the
tool to craft for the ages a new order an ancient Roman method called
panem et circenses.
ruling body exercises panem et circenses, or bread and circuses, by
attempting to control the rage of an urban population using
compelling, addictive entertainment and delicious, cheap food. The
typical city dweller in ancient Rome resembled the modern homeless
person in appearance and in morals both – by all accounts, he was
as likely to be sexually promiscuous as he was to binge drink, and if
he could drink and fuck while watching gladiators fight to the death,
he was contented. But the modern urbanite is rich, and so he pays
good money to watch the circuses on TV at his home, where he will eat
from paper bags a meal of fast food suffused with fat and sugar that
was prepared for him by silently desperate wage-slaves. The urbanite
does these things because he is a good boy, and because good boys
follow the rules – he watches the commercials and he buys all the
useless and superfluous crap, and he does not mind that his
conspicuous and incessant consumption (and that of his semi-affluent
cohorts) makes only 0.05% of the US population wealthy beyond
imagining. The richest of the rich, this group is comprised of those
individuals who own television companies and fast food chains: it
stacks chips like a boss while the remainder of the population, the
99.5%, descends into orca-fat obesity and chronic laziness.
it is not enough for the Point Oh Five to control the messages you
hear and see or to dictate which foods you eat – these Rapacious
Plutocrats have wrested the shaping of a new order for the ages from
the federal government of the United States of America (which is the
agent selected by Destiny to be the perpetrator of the whole Shaping
a New Order for the Ages business). The people who own the TV
stations and the fast food shacks become rich beyond reckoning upon
the backs of the wretched citizens who fork over their meager wages
to keep themselves sated of food and to spend their time staring at
images dancing on a magic box.
the fed has at times acted foolishly, I place more of my trust in it
than in a cadre of individuals whose minds are so twisted with the
pulsing whorish thrust of money that their balance-sheets matter more
than the vitality and diversity of the American people.
Mea In Ratio Est - 場黑麥
Paul Roggenkamp
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