31 October 2016


one hand might be giving the other one though is stealing from he who has little to show

26 October 2016

words’ power - briefly

Similar to music, words have great power. In film, for example, certain styles of music are used to alter a person’s perception of a given scene - classical, say, for drama, hip-hop for action, country for nostalgia. Music can alter a person’s mood, improving or ruining it, depending on circumstance. Yet music, once heard, vanishes into nothingness; looking at a sheet of music and imagining what Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony sounds like is one thing, but hearing it played is a far more powerful and exciting experience.

Words also vanish into nothingness once spoken, unless they get stuck in an infinity loop inside the brain of person (A), in which case the words will continue to affect him, because he is repeating them to himself. In this manner, person (A) tends to build up resentment and anger against person (B), who had said the words previously, even though person (B) may no longer bear animosity toward or even remember what he’d said originally. This author finds himself engaging in subconscious conversation with persons who in the past got the upper hand over him. Apparently, this author thinks that by speaking the words that he failed to speak, he may regain some sort of power. Ah, what foolishness.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

24 October 2016

logical imprisonment - briefly

During those (hopefully infrequent) traumatic periods in life, it sometimes occurs that an individual will change the stories he tells himself, thus altering the logical parameters within which he goes about his daily business. In order to adapt to the startlingly new conditions around him, he will tend to arrive at conclusions regarding his place in the world that bear little resemblance to the conclusions he had drawn up until that point. Imprisonment, be it self-imposed or imposed by others, is one external pressure - in this author’s experience and opinion - that weighs heavily upon most logical parameters previously held, so heavily that significant adjustments will almost always be made. A person will alter his routines and expectations to fit the new world in which he lives, often jettisoning what to outsider observers might appear to be rational and sound practices in favor of more fluid decision matrixes. To minimize the pain coming into his life he will often begin to display an unhealthy obedience to the person or persons whom he has given power over his mental state, especially if his new ‘master’ has little concern for his emotional well-being. The more neglectful those above him become, the less he will take care of himself physically and mentally, thus hastening the decline of both his physical and mental health.

Many prisons in which people today live are not prisons in the traditional sense, ones composed of walls, bars, and guards. Instead, these prisons are often mental states built upon hastily erected logical parameters designed to minimize the pain and suffering caused by something like a soured business deal, a bad financial decision, a poorly-chosen spouse, or an encounter with the police. Such is the strength of the stories we humans tell ourselves that what was once known to be nonsense suddenly sounds like truth. There is no easy way out of self-imposed, mental imprisonment to an illogical external force; as with most things that cause suffering in this world, the only way out is through - via counseling, meditation, and the nurturing of an inner compassion for the self. Mahalo, and be well.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

21 October 2016

on bicycling logic

Since finishing the stunning graphic novel ‘Logicomix’ by Doxiadis and Papadimitriou, et al., I have begun to delve into - so as to better understand - the types of logic I apply in my daily life. This has ranged from examining the logic of human encounters to the logic of bicycling. As the first installment of a series of articles laying out the various types of logical parameters within which I (am many others, I suppose) tend to operate, I shall provide the latter, below.
A) The bicycle is a mechanical contraption used to move one or more persons through the physical realm by means of (primarily) human muscle power.
B) The bicycle consists of these basic elements: saddle, wheels, frame, propulsion system (gears), pedals, handlebars, and brakes.
C) To use a bicycle, sit down on the seat, grab the handlebars with the hands, and start pedaling with the feet, shifting the hips side-to-side (maintaining balanced) so as to not fall over.
[Immediately upon starting to write this I began to realize the difficulties involved in trying to define the logic of even basic human endeavors.]
D) Whilst bicycling, take care not to run into things, go faster than is safe, or do something (texting, talking, taking pictures) other than paying attention to and trying to avoid obstacles that may lie ahead.
E) Persons operating motor vehicles tend to give exactly zero fucks about persons operating bicycles; in order to live a relatively long life free of major injury, avoid busy roads and high-traffic areas (also, please wear a helmet and some form of protective for the eyes).
F) Keeping one’s bicycle in proper working order is essential to having fun whilst bicycling as well as getting from point A to point B quickly and without unforeseen and frustrating repair-related delays.
G) Sitting up straight whilst bicycling, with a straight back and the head resting comfortably atop the spine, opens the chest for easy breathing and allows the head to pivot easily from left to right (hence the phrase ‘keep your head on a swivel’) so that the cyclist (this is what someone who rides a bicycle is called) can quickly gather scraps information about what is behind himself using peripheral vision (i.e. without turning his head completely around and taking his eyes off of the road ahead).
H) Wherever the eyes looks or the head turns, that is where the bicycle will go. Keep the eyes and head pointed forward in order to ride in as straight a line as possible.
I) If forced to ride upon a street also frequented by motor vehicles, stay close to the curb unless circumstances (parked cars, open manholes, or similar obstacles) force you away from the curb, in which case it is 100% acceptable to take up the entire lane and cause a brief traffic-jam.
J) Persons operating motor vehicles will scream obscenities, yell curses, shake their fists, and even try to physically injure or kill a cyclist whom they feel caused them even the slightest delay upon their route. As with most such situations, the best response to anger is joyful compassion, since at the root of all anger lies a deep, inner sadness.

The above are but a few of the most important logical parameters related to bicycle riding. Please stay tuned for more articles concerned with the logical parameters related to activities such as dating, polite conversation, child rearing, &c.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

19 October 2016

frameworks to defend

Words are a most cunning and powerful tool used by many persons from statesman to fool. When logic is spoken deep within the mind it leaves a great long-lasting footprint behind that can be then altered only with great force lest it should derail one’s mortal earthly course. This whorphan is gathering the logic spoken so that he may face the beasts that were awoken when previously he did set up frameworks to defend his heart and soul from certain jerks. Now that the offending parties are not near it is time to work on making himself clear of old and unwanted remnants of the past that cling to his psyche and cling to it fast. Please wish me luck in this here newfound endeavor that’s aimed to increase my success and my pleasure - the road that is most true seems not to be so but that’s how the things worth one’s while must go.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

18 October 2016


this breath is so deep it just well might drown me; if so though that is what the godhead decrees

14 October 2016


a man’s spine and stature are sure to start leaning should he live his life devoid of honest meaning

13 October 2016

ought to offend

If not down an alley then stuck up a pole is where most graffiti will badger and troll unwary onlookers who can’t help but glance at something toward which they’ll then take a stance. Oh gourd! they cry loudly when they spy a sticker or a sprayed-on piece and then proceed to bicker about if it is or it is not true art (this has been discussed since mankind got its start). One faction will argue to tear the piece down the other will say that such acts are unfounded - that stifling expression harms all of our race just like a swift kick to a suckerpunched face. Images and words are offensive to some as are crude depictions of women or guns; some others however find fault with a lot and refuse to give modern things a fair shot; some others meanwhile give just zero fucks about ‘sacrilegious’ or similar truck - they do as they please knowing that neighbors tend to choose what’s OK and what ought to offend. Onward then, graffitos - city-walls await! There’s no telling what could tonight be your fate! Make pretty the surfaces others ignore - your fanbase is massive and yearning for more.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

10 October 2016

me cycling past

In Hoi An, Vietnam, I learned to balance a bottle on my head - while bicycling. The year was 2016. Before then, I’d trained myself to balance things on the top of my head while just standing or walking slowly around. The stars aligned, however, in that ancient and beautiful port city when I moved my halfway empty 1.5 liter bottle of drinking water from the bicycle’s front basket up to the top of my head on the last turn before reaching the local market, down by the river. Riding slowly through the milling crowds, I drew cries of praise, looks of astonishment and dull stares alike. I waved to a few people then kept riding, crossing a busy intersection before pedaling some kilometers out into the suburbs. Occasionally, kids’ minds would be blown upon seeing me cycling past with the bottle balanced on my head; the children, almost always boys, would come running out into the street, pointing at me and laughing, shaking their heads, and giggling as they tried to emulate my efforts with their own bottles. In my experience, there are few methods for bridging cultural gaps as effective as lighthearted self-denigration; people around the world quickly accept into their midst someone who can prove he doesn’t take himself too seriously. And, the day after my discovery, I noticed that the residents of Hoi An seemed to recognize me personally. One or two got my attention, pointed to the tops of their heads, and smiled. A handful of others seemed to nod at me. Of all the things I’ve learned whilst traveling, this skill is both useful and useless, depending on the situation at hand; it’s helpful for making friends with kids but should be avoided around police officers and when wooing attractive young ladies.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

06 October 2016

yours and cause

Each one’s right and each is wronger. This will go on how much longer? Oh that’s right until November at which time few will remember all the hateful things he said, her mistakes that left troops dead. Make it sooner make it quicker I can’t of this crap be sicker of these televised debates and of the long cruel nasty spates the verbal warfare and the lies - there’s few I as these two despise. Shut it off the screaming box but be forewarned: there’s aftershocks that will soon rock those minds of yours and cause great messes in your drawers.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

04 October 2016

thinking and tamper

There are some things that are just not in my power to fix mend judge sample clean heal grasp or scour. It is hard to get this or to comprehend what would send my mind around that fateful bend; not even I know what the future should hold or if that hot voice will continue to scold and harry my thinking and tamper with actions that keep me from finding such deep satisfaction as I see reflected in those around me. Where is this train heading? Don’t know - watch and see.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥