When releasing in its platform for the Romeny and Ryan presidential ticket an assault on the liberty of gays and lesbians to get married, the Republican Party in America has proven itself fully ignorant of our founding persons' intent. Since none of our founding persons – not George Washington, Abigail Adams, or Thomas Jefferson – saw fit to speak about gay marriage or to define marriage according to the dustier and more embarrassing sections of the Christian's bible, we can only wonder how the Republicans came up with the fantastical and farcical notion that government should regulate marriage between same-sex individuals but not the amount of pollution emitted by industry.
In the Treaty of Tripoli, George Washington and John Adams wrote: “America was not in any way founded upon the Christian faith,” words that were ratified unanimously by their contemporaries in Congress. Keeping this quote in our minds, we cannot dare to allow the rules of Christianity to become the laws of our land, or stand by as they infect the halls of our secular government with narrow-mindedness and hatred; to do so would reduce us to the level of such murderous tyrants as we struggle to overthrow, the Taliban and al Qaida. Perhaps it is because our troopers by the hundreds of thousands have been battling religious-based terrorism in foreign lands, and that we as a nation have focused most of our attention and a lot of our treasure on making things better for non-American foreigners, that religious-based terrorism is now threatening to take hold of this nation's highest office. Since turning the rules of one religion into the law of the land would subject portions of our population to biblically-justified oppression, theocratic rule is a form of terrorism; if we allow someone such as Mitt Romney to pass a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman (which is spoken of only in the Christian bible's old testament and not at all mentioned by Jesus), we would establish theocratic rule, thus terrorizing innocent queers and non-combatant fags, neighbors and citizens alike.
It appears to me that the Republicans are banking all their hopes and aspirations on a voting block made up of religiously-conservative, born-again-Christian fringe-types, affluent Caucasians prone to shitting themselves with fear upon seeing men in turbans or drag. I admit that the asses' move was a genius stroke of propaganda, using the term Defense of Marriage to define their assault on the rights of homosexual Americans to marry one another; defense, however, implies that something is being attacked, whereas no one is trying to restrict heterosexuals' ability to get married, merely to grant homosexuals rights equal to those granted to heterosexuals. I have mentioned it before, and far better persons have said it before me, but I believe that we are now in the part of this country's life-cycle where things get worse before they get better; I can hardly imagine something worse than being forced to live by the rules of a religion not of my choosing, to have to kill unruly children (Deuteronomy 12:18-21), to have to kill non-virgin brides (Deuteronomy 22:13-21) – to have to kill anybody, for that matter, in order to satisfy the vain and petty blood-lust of YHWH, the Christians' god. If, friend, you feel the same way, if you would like to control your own life, if you mind your own business and could care less whom other people marry, please say NO to religious rule, fight Mitt Romney's and the Republican Party's plans for religious terrorism in America, and help defend fragile, tender Liberty. Mahalo, then, to you, oh brave and selfless warrior.
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