29 December 2014

sprinkling and shower​

The rains have been falling for at least one hour, as cloudburst and downpour, as sprinkling and shower. We thank them for coming yet beg for reprieve and hope that thunderheads will soon take their leave so that in warm sunshine we once more can bask, can complete and perform our various tasks, that require us leaving our water-tight homes where we have been huddling, cooped up like gnomes. Each raindrop is precious to tree root and plant, without falling waters we know our life can't and will not be fertile or happy or long, wherefore we've composed this short rain-time song: Now fall all ye droplets, now make the land grow, now help us our hurried and rushing ways slow, we thank you for visiting these verdant shores, for washing our mopeds, for doing our chores, for keeping us closely together, indoors, for being the waters that keep us alive, upon you we surf and into you we dive, your life-giving bounty is always welcome but cease with your falling – your duty's now done.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

25 December 2014

its origins shadowed

There tugs at my heartstrings a mystery, now, its origins shadowed in a milky shroud. I can't taste the outlines or clearly define this elusive puzzle that slips from the mind that slips through my tendrils whenever I try to fix grasp or harness it with my third eye. Therefore I have settled for giving it love, accepting what knowledge seeps down from Above, not being obsessive or making demands but sticking to feeling what stirs in my glands. Perhaps it's the Equinox that just occurred, that stirred up invisible spiritual worlds which cannot be known by mere mortals, you see, from which some gain insights and long-lasting glee. I'll keep meditating and emptying out worries and desires still flitting about, and stick to the Path of the wise ancient ones of whom I'm merely a poor misguided son.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

not much fanfare

There is not much fanfare on this here fair aisle for Xmas or pampered micromanaged childs. The kids here make do with what little there is, and don't seem to mind sharing with other kids. They pile onto scooters four or five at a go and wander through parking-lots with dogs in tow, now dropping their food onto the sandy ground, now making the best of each day's go-around. They do not stay cooped up just watching TV, instead they shriek giggle and shout out with glee at things such as older folk just wouldn't get, at a silly face or when rain makes them wet. They'll splash in a puddle or a rushing stream with no shoes on and trousers ripped at the seam, they'll laugh at a stranger and call him bulé, with fire and fireworks they are prone to play. Without regulation these youngsters do well unlike in America's restrictive hell of dire prohibitions and the foul jackboot of cops dressed in black always ready to shoot. So pack up the little ones, learn to let go of all of the worries you once used to know, and get onto this small but wonderful spot where life is best lived with whatever one's got.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

13 December 2014

toward inner peace

There are endless pathways toward inner peace; I have taken many; with some I've been pleased; some they might take longer and have fewer fans, while others claim that one must pray to a man. This man and no other! its adherents say while claiming there's no alternate proper way to calm the dark spirit that is the ego, that tricks us and tells us there's much that we know. I follow a different, simpler path that helps me to ease want and calm need and wrath, that in its first stanza says it can't be named then repeats this warning again and again. It's tempting to say, My methods and no other! without leaving open to sisters and brothers the option of finding out Truth for themselves or daring to state that they'll sure go to hell if they do not line up and march to a tune that's all but extremist, with no wiggle-room. I am not here saying that mine is the best, that it must be followed above all the rest, merely that to judge is a worn-out old steed, that one ought lead others with not words but deeds.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

02 December 2014

on breaking oath

Cop chiefs of America now break their oath to preserve the nation's own Constitution for their standing armies in black fabric clothed destroy Liberty for all – everyone. This foul cheap aggression will not stand for long, for there are vast multitudes, great unarmed throngs, who take to the streets to protest what cops do when they break Amendments I VI VIII and II. Each swine made a pledge to uphold what is Right, to protect the innocent (not cause them fright), to hold themselves to pure and higher standards than worthless effluvia or mere rank turds. Cops kill more Ynki than Arab terrorists; they maim pregnant women teenagers and kids; they think themselves above the established laws; the System protects them, for it's truly flawed. To speak out is deadly to stand up the same, but still we do instead of lying ashamed on beds we all made up when Saudis – those cowards – did fly U.S. airplanes into the Twin Towers. Just after those harrowing terror events did the common citizen quickly relent and give up Protections long granted to him that the Founding Persons did fight for, and win. So take up a banner and march in the streets and record your actions in blogposts and tweets to prove to the generations yet to come that we at least tried to undo damage done.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

01 December 2014

on good living

The waves are increasing in force height and size – indeed they are growing right before our eyes. We'll go in a minute and wax up our boards while singing a few of our favorite chords while humming the bars of a popular tune then head out for surfing in the afternoon. Until then sip coffee and light up a smoke and tell funny stories and tall tales and jokes, ah this is the good life that we're living here twelve months out of every calendar year.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥