There lies at the middle crux center and core a bright brimming majestic powerful store where most intuition and much knowledge lies in that sweet region twixt navel and thighs. Behind all the nether and lower-most abs, those chiseled tight granite-like toned shapely slabs, is a spot of strength knowing and density that controls and speaks to the lower body. To access it is to be one with the self for it is the fountain of youth truth and health; where once mine too hid behind layers of blubber I am now removing its shielding and cover. When delving deep into this curious place remember to relax the jaw and the face and sit with the feet crossed or up in lotus then breathe well and clear the mind of all its fuss. The power gained from such a meditation will outshine the photons hurled off by the sun, allowing the person to go venture soar without ever opening his house's door. Now put down those donuts, set coffee aside, and let your brave spirit some vortexes ride, and watch as greed avarice pettiness hate do suddenly vanish diminish abate.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
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