Awake at the crack of this newly born day he spied a small kitten that soon ran away. Then off for some surfing just him and a mate who hoped that the lack of swell would soon abate then off for some brekkie at a local spot where good food is tasty and coffee is hot. Then later more surfing if sets should appear then tonight some dancing and fifteen cold beers with many a blow-in to ease his duress to clear his mind and to alleviate stress. Tomorrow's a day off and then he will rest and prepare to do what he knows he does best which is to stay lucid soft free of sorrow here on this bright isle – the edge of tomorrow.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
30 April 2015
28 April 2015
more friendly knot
Some men in the gamelan put wide happy smiles on when they spied the tourists' trance there within the close expanse. Dressed not well but sloppily next to many Balinese whose outfits were neat and fine for to prepare they'd taken time. The white intruders shook and raised their hands up in a mocking praise but did not pray toward what is holy rather worked their bodies wholly and did cause me too to grin while sitting there with feet tucked in. Soon the man whose dress was crude espied us all and thought us rude and leaped right up from his tight spot and fled to a more friendly knot. There he stayed and met and stared at a young lass whose hair was fair and no more ventured from his group but settled down upon the stoop that faced the altar and the priests who soon upon their rites would cease. When came time to take the blessing gone were they of poorly dressing – just a few of us remained who'd made the trek who wore the same as all the people of this isle who share with us a hearty smile and welcome us into their arms where we'll be ever free from harm.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
sits now alone
To delve in the deeps of his pineal gland he undertook tasks that much tested his sand. There was of course surfing and learning new tongues as well as his efforts of climbing the rungs of his new profession – a writer he is for print publication and local business. And there in a small room he sits now alone his laptop is tethered to his mobile phone so he can access the vast inter-network (the life of a stringer is replete with perks). It's off to a café for some noontime bites to eat a few morsels and drink something light then back to the small room for more work and play on this bright fresh glorious productive day.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
23 April 2015
more bountiful way
There rages a silent and internal war inside of this mendicant pitiful whore. Where once he was OK with drinking at night and bedding down many a wandering sprite and sleeping well into the next painful day he now sees another more bountiful way. For there is a fire that burns deep within by whose light he'll fail to lose and start to win but it must be stoked by soft warm discipline should he on this new track his journey begin. This human life rushes, a flash in the pan, and his shall be glorious instead of wan for he has begun his own patterns to know – the ones their dark faces refused him to show. Set aside that bottle and reach not for smoke but see that this fire is tended and stoked and see that the weeks and the months whizzing by are filled not with sadness but joyous war-cries such as his blue-neon and still-writhing spirit has been now expecting for about a minute.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
21 April 2015
to lovingly pray
When asked by another to pray for his mother it is very prudent to go follow through with all of the things that one said one would do. If it doesn't work out however don't fret for much opportunity will follow yet to prove to the people who forever watch that this is one mission that will not be botched. So sit there in silence and keep in the mind the persons who've gone and left us all behind who've entered the realm of the Warm Vast Long Sleep for whom we must rejoice and no longer weep. To be there in spirit is almost as swell as fighting through miles of truck-traffic hell so take out a moment from this splendid day for his deceased mother to lovingly pray.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
20 April 2015
aggressive and casting
Some people they harvest much fear from the masses that lick at their bootheels and ream out their asses by being aggressive and casting much blame then acting surprised when they're treated the same. To trap oneself inside mental aggression is about as useful as it is good fun – it foments and fosters a hatred inside from which love truth honor soon turn tail and hide. But ones who are angry are really just sad and fed up with all of the problems they've had and really just want to be hugged patted praised for the rest of their paltry few waking days. So answer not anger with anger in kind but to such behavior stay watchful but blind and share of compassion with persons whose rage seems always to put them on a central stage for their souls are crying and begging for help albeit with sometimes an acerbic yelp. Keep the heart-lines open and share of the love that flows in from outside and from up above; embrace the tormentors whose actions are cruel and show them such useful and soul-rescuing tools that all of us get from our mothers who give us room in their bodies so that we might live and heal all our brethen – everyone who basks in the light of the moon and the sun.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
14 April 2015
a surfing safari
It's off on a surfing safari we go and just where we'll end up we can't as yet know. There's talk of Balian and high pounding waves upon which to ride out these halcyon days but maybe we'll sidetrack and visit a spot where we will be be judged on what chutzpah we've got. Our mount is a yellow VW bus that will easy carry our boards without fuss within which we'll ride through the paddies and fields within which we'll discuss our hopes and ideals. So pack a small bag and do come along please for ours is a majestic palpable ease for ours is the glory of an endless chase a goal we approach will a calm measured pace. The sun is now shining and so are our hearts we hope that the old girl will get up and start for wave-crests are waiting for us to explore on this verdant island that we so adore.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
13 April 2015
notion of silence
There rose from the center of his shining soul the notion of silence eternal and old, the notion of nothingness that's known as Wu without which there's nothing that no one can't do. To flush out the thoughts from the mind every day and allow but nothingness therein to play is much like the finding of a treasure lost – one beyond the notion of value or cost. Sit for one half hour and one minute more and make sure to open your heart- and mind-doors and let in the forces that are all around that if ever sought for will never be found. Then bask in the beauty of life's subtle graces and let go of each of the up-welling faces that spring from the banks of deep bone-memory and let love and happiness be all you see. In silence the majestic soul-fires burn; with time many truths and much patience you'll learn; for there is a nothingness is each of us that forms with its vacuum the strong central truss upon which we build up our hopes and our fears each day of these fleeting but wonderful years.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
08 April 2015
nothing but lame
This author's a preacher he thinks he should preach and thinks he's a mountain of knowledge to teach. In truth though his wisdom is hardly worth sharing hence why so few people do seem to be caring that he has been posting and blogging for years whatever's fermenting up between his ears. There shall be no moral to this here blog-posting that by all accounts should be duly composting out in a dark bin where no man it can see and read by just one person – him, only he. Huzzah then for living and for writing too it seems to be something that all people do but they do it better and put him to shame by proving his talents are nothing but lame.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
05 April 2015
and constantly brace
This land is not burdened by widespread restrictions on what people sell from their counters and kitchens. One must simply trust that fried foods one receives were not cooked in vats of automobile grease that all items washed were not washed in a stream of discarded plastics and bovine urine. When did the cook cooking last wash her own hands? In what kind of soil grew all of these plants? Is that waiter trained how to keep himself clean or is he ignorant of all things hygiene? Defenestrate caution and throw out also all that you once were sure that you knew you know and reach for that spoon and just drink up that soup and wonder not whether that chicken was cooped up in a small box or did wander and range or whether it suffered from physical pain. For nothing is certain and nothing lasts long and each of us decides how to get along with all of the chaos alive in this place toward which one must daily and constantly brace. To choose of the option of not eating meat will help one avoid past mistakes to repeat, so order a salad with tofu and nut and forthwith jump out of foul suffering's rut.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
02 April 2015
longest one solo
It was late last night when he sat there quiet the longest one solo he'd ever done yet. He'd spread out his mat on the hard tiled floor and slid the bolt shut on his room's only door and said seven times the word Ong quietly there in his dark quarters where no one could see. For thirty-one minutes he kept his eyes closed where-after he duly and quickly arose and made himself forthwith all ready for bed with a heart devoid of need want fear or dread. The thoughts had kept coming while he'd meditated just before the end though they had slowly abated and left him a meat-sack containing a soul with Nothingness ringing in his singing-bowl. That bowl is the dome of the skull and within its small but smooth confines is where one begins to let go of worry and search for self-love while much rushing beauty comes down from above. One must first find anchor deep down in the guts in the second chakra is the holding-platz for soul essence spirit lest it should escape and leave one a mad and wild-eyed guttersnipe. So sit for a moment and let go of all dark thoughts that cause trembles bright ones that enthrall and know that the purpose of man in this life is not to make babies or get him a wife but to just sit silent in humble abode and reach without reaching for the Central Node.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
01 April 2015
with clanging grace
He was overwhelmed by the forces in play that did whirl around him and through him today. The compound was filled with kids women and men all dancing and praying amongst their dear ken and playing the gamelan with clanging grace and joy in their heart and delight on their face. Men did laugh and murmur kids slept smiled stared the women bore goodies that they had prepared as votive offerings to gods seated high on empty chairs lifted high up in the sky. With tones as yet unheard by these foreign ears did this vibrant theater placate his fears and awake within him the urge to start praying in order to lessen childhood demons' baying. He saw a sea turtle spread out on the grass and his dressed-up image reflected in glass and lifted his hands when the priests did say to and felt himself reborn both shiny and new. He drank of the waters that fell from their cups and thought not of hygiene or other such stuffs but went right along with the rites Balinese that left his soul buoyed bright bursting and pleased. What's next for this whorphan? is what he now asks and knows that this heightened sense only will last so long as he keeps up his daily practice – with one hand on heart and the other on kris.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
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