He was overwhelmed by the forces in play that did whirl around him and through him today. The compound was filled with kids women and men all dancing and praying amongst their dear ken and playing the gamelan with clanging grace and joy in their heart and delight on their face. Men did laugh and murmur kids slept smiled stared the women bore goodies that they had prepared as votive offerings to gods seated high on empty chairs lifted high up in the sky. With tones as yet unheard by these foreign ears did this vibrant theater placate his fears and awake within him the urge to start praying in order to lessen childhood demons' baying. He saw a sea turtle spread out on the grass and his dressed-up image reflected in glass and lifted his hands when the priests did say to and felt himself reborn both shiny and new. He drank of the waters that fell from their cups and thought not of hygiene or other such stuffs but went right along with the rites Balinese that left his soul buoyed bright bursting and pleased. What's next for this whorphan? is what he now asks and knows that this heightened sense only will last so long as he keeps up his daily practice – with one hand on heart and the other on kris.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
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