29 August 2016
troll we’ll too
It is swell to be troll whose words exact a heavy toll whose face is hidden from all lookers within online pressure-cookers. In these modern times of ours we don’t pay visits bearing flowers instead it’s mostly hatred cruel defining ev’ry social rule. Where’s it come from this foul habit? Voices screaming loud and rabid? It won’t take long wait and see until there’s talk of the Nazis. Where’s it come from but TV, especially ‘reality’ - it’s taught us to be loud-mouthed scum who hurl abuse at everyone. Such behavior runs against the lengths to which mankind has went to keep the peace within his ranks whilst dwelling next to riverbanks. Spam we will and troll we’ll too - this is just what we humans do - we’ve done it since the first guy laughed for sending a bunk telegraph. Mankind do what mankind want be it to peacock or to flaunt his ignorance as knowledge full oh what a giant heap of bull.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
24 August 2016
a suitable cure
It kills its own people it throws them in chains it poisons and browbeats and perverts and stains the notions upon which its foundations rest whilst telling the world that it alone knows best. It is a foul hegemon whom none can touch it grabs after anything not in its clutch it bombs using robots that skip through the winds won’t ever atone for its myriad sins. We average citizens huddle afraid not knowing when next will come a no-knock raid and fear for our safety and fear for our lives here under the gaze of that all-seeing eye. What happened to noble e pluribus unum? The making from Many a singular One? It fell by the wayside it’s gone from this pale its Renaissance notions are rotten and stale - the rich they get richer beyond comprehension whilst poor people simmer in abject dejection. The Many they sit in their homes watching telly their willpower sapped and their minds turned to jelly with cheap and fast food stuffed down into their bellies their snifters all brimming with gin vodka brandy. Now what does it do the Ynki hegemon? It wastes all the goodwill that it ever won by trying to force the world’s collected nations to dance to the whim of its cruel machinations. Don’t give in please stay strong speak truth unto power this here is our moment our bright finest hour - by keeping awareness consistent and pure we’ll find for these problems a suitable cure.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
a suitable cure
It kills its own people it throws them in chains it poisons and browbeats and perverts and stains the notions upon which its foundations rest whilst telling the world that it alone knows best. It is a foul hegemon whom none can touch it grabs after anything not in its clutch it bombs using robots that skip through the winds won’t ever atone for its myriad sins. We average citizens huddle afraid not knowing when next will come a no-knock raid and fear for our safety and fear for our lives here under the gaze of that all-seeing eye. What happened to noble e pluribus unum? The making from Many a singular One? It fell by the wayside it’s gone from this pale its Renaissance notions are rotten and stale - the rich they get richer beyond comprehension whilst poor people simmer in abject dejection. The Many they sit in their homes watching telly their willpower sapped and their minds turned to jelly with cheap and fast food stuffed down into their bellies their snifters all brimming with gin vodka brandy. Now what does it do the Ynki hegemon? It wastes all the goodwill that it ever won by trying to force the world’s collected nations to dance to the whim of its cruel machinations. Don’t give in please stay strong speak truth unto power this here is our moment our bright finest hour - by keeping awareness consistent and pure we’ll find for these problems a suitable cure.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
19 August 2016
letters and arts
Only time will tell if this gobbledegook will have had the power this world to have shook. Ich muss deshalb schreiben und das jeden Tag egal ob ich Zeit hab egal ob ich mag. For that I need focus and visual charts to help keep me sharp in the letters and arts. Ja gut ich bin sieben mal sieben mal zehn und alles was ist wird schnell genug vergehen.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
18 August 2016
dies mein Boot
To where oh where can people go who do not really give a throw about these modern cares and woes who simply want to live in peace far from fast food greed hate police? Is it legal to sign out and make a lengthy walkabout whilst eating berries from the trees and stealing sweets from honey-bees? Must one own a fancy car and buy swell drinks at fancy bars and date a hot but crazy chick who toys and teases with the dick? Our forebearers rode the rails and took their baths in milking pails and did with little did with less as worries sat upon on their chests like Will this farmland blow away? and Can I feed my kids today? Ist egal wir konsumieren greifen an nur zu verlieren es geht uns gut es gehts uns prächtig denn das Land ist stolz und maechtig. Schalten ab das kann man nur mit Kugel Messer Stein und Schnur - die Obdachlosen haben Recht und schlafen da mitunter Dreck und geben sich nicht mal die Mühe wirklich zu glauben an die Lüge. Gesucht ist Hafen in der Not um abzuschliessen dies mein Boot dies Leben das meins ist genannt hier auf dies unser Sonntrabant.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
16 August 2016
the waving ocean
We got trees delivered and rode on our bikes at times quickly checking for new bumble-likes then sat on the beach to crack open a beer a few miles north of that world-famous pier. He is my best guy-friend and I’ll miss him much not just for his steadfastness in the clutch but also because he will split up his side when I douse with fart-smell a girl riding by. I’ve crashed on his couch more nights than there are stars and stood by his side during fights at the bars he is ten years ten days my junior it’s true and when we’re together there’s mischief abrew. Farewell then Tallbreeno until our next meet and may you with courage your challenges greet with humble and solid respect and devotion I’ll see you next time out on the waving ocean.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
12 August 2016
fair Cahuenga Pass
Once under the highway near Universal is where does begin a magnificent hill. Its sidewalks are wide with green trees it abounds and thick are the shade-spots that dapple its grounds and rich is the reward that arrives at last when spying the peak of fair Cahuenga Pass. It’s rideable whenever daytime or night (now during the latter I switch on a light) and watch at the top for loose rocks on my right while pedaling madly with all of my might. Along it are fast-food booze cigarette shops dispensaries groomers yet few red-light stops; when southbound upon it people rarely turn lest they run smack into nature’s own rock-berm. Then… over! I’m over! by golly hot dog here comes some relief from that hard-churning slog my wits are about me though I dare not rest for slaloming traffic’s a demanding test. At some points are gravel at some points are holes I take over lanes lest I should be bulldozed by uncaring drivers who’re trying to shoot the gap between me and boulders thick with roots. I know not the name of the goddess whose is the honor of guarding the Cahuenga Pass but thank and applaud her for her loving hands that guide and protect all who pass through her lands.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
10 August 2016
allow the yang
When I see an attractive woman who I get the feeling might find me attractive too, my chi tends to slam up into the 6th chakra from where it normally resides in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th. Instead of approaching her and saying hello, as my lower nodes are telling me to do, a voyeuristic and deeply insecure part of me pulls inward and launches a furious attempt to calculate just how much she might like me as well as how best to get her to not like me. The bundled chi energies start heating up my physical flesh from the eyebrows on backward, the 3rd eye area, as I strain to think of something to say to her. Women pick up on this immediately, fleeing from sickly waves of needing, wanting, yearning energy that lash from the yet-shadowy depths of what, in short, is a pocket of pain. I’ve come to understand, with time and conscious effort, that in the left-rear quadrant of the 6th chakra lives my ego, or at least a fear-body that kicks in if when encountering women I allow these strong yin to overwhelm the yang of the 6th. This pocket, a largely Read Only Memory part of my consciousness, was in early youth hijacked by irrational forces, should my recollections hold true. If the hijacker was an outside party, it could have arrived during a spell of fever-dreams around age nine or ten. In one of these dreams, I became aware of a brilliantly white space of indeterminate size - the Great Vast Crushing Nothingness mentioned in earlier works. My sense of self was in extreme flux, shrinking and growing from infinitely large to impossibly small, sometimes both simultaneously; and into this space appeared a being not of my own design, a vaguely humanoid figure that appeared in front of me before rising up and to the left of my field of vision. This entity spoke to me not with words but feelings, a sense of tremendous and all-reaching power. (I have no strongly negative memories of this dream / visitation, rather ones of gut-wrenching and paralyzing awe.) If this pocket started as an autochthonous formation, however, I suspect it festered into existence in those first teenage years in Germany when the ‘rents were on poor terms; I was struggling with learning the language yet still going to school in it as well as learning to play the trumpet with my teeth in braces; and my few friends and I were on a collision course with catastrophe. I internalized a lot of loneliness and self-loathing during that time, venting it as my teens progressed in ever fool-hardier ventures. Whether by either of these two ways, or by another, the dominance of this pocket of pain is shrinking in direct correlation to a growing self-awareness helped along by spiritual and meditation work done on the Island of the Gods. Through impartial observance and daily practice, its strength will diminish further - if my good fortune holds, that is.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
03 August 2016
pretty much fucked
For the average citizen, ignorance of the law does not excuse him from punishment. Consider that taken together federal, state, and local laws number in the tens of thousands, and change, constantly. Without focused effort, however, most Americans commit 3 felonies a day, as Mr. Harvey Silverglate of Boston writes in his book. When looked at critically, this system seems to exist not to protect or better lives but to extort cash from or transfer into prison-slavery people who get caught breaking said myriad laws. (Please note: according to the U.S. Constitution, slavery is still legal in America, but only as a form of punishment, i.e. prison.) For the citizen working as a police officer, however, ignorance of the law - ignorance even of the fundamental tenets of the Constitution - is met not with reprimand but reward. Following Heien v. North Carolina, citizens working in the police forces can violate the rights and freedoms of their fellow citizens, first performing warrant-less searches then claiming ignorance of the Constitution’s 4th amendment protections against same. What sort of nation allows a heavily armed police force - a standing army beholden to neither established law nor the opinions of mankind - to operate free of the constraints of the very document upon which it was founded? What sort of country sends the armed agents it has chosen to enforce its laws out into the street without first making sure they understand the contents of the very document they at some point swore to protect and uphold? When a terrorist attacks, the various churches of the religion he claims adherence to come forward and denounce his violent ways. Where, however, are the voices of the various police departments around America coming forward to denounce extrajudicial executions committed by their brothers in blue? Are police unions in large numbers urging their members to stop escalating roadside encounters and stating publicly that they do not condone violent acts against unarmed civilians regardless of creed, hue, or race? The police unions are not, and great numbers of police officers are not, because citizens who work as police officers exist not to protect the rest of us but to distrust, fine, follow, track, stalk, and - if startled - shoot those of us who do not work as police officers. Now, more than perhaps ever before, the age-old concerns about watchers (and who watches them) lick hot at the forefront of the mind.
Video recordings abound of police officers shooting unarmed or legally armed average civilians out of at best fearful aggression and at worst hateful convenience. When investigated, most of the shootings are deemed justified - by an attorney general or equivalent legal party who works frequently with the trigger-happy police officer and his colleagues, who must depend on the man’s good favor to efficiently perform his daily duties, and who is thus inclined to find the man’s behavior in accordance with whatever police-specific or special laws that he and his ilk conspire to uphold and protect. (The American people have given police officers leave to break the law - to lie, cheat, and steal - in order to secure a criminal conviction. Ought we be surprised that they’ve decided to include in their list of permitted crimes that of shooting first and asking the questions later?) The lawless savagery of absolute Despotism that occurs when those supposed to keep the peace are given leave to break it - at will and without fear of punishment - runs counter to the letter of our nation’s founding document, the Declaration of Independence. (In reality, It offers the People no protections, however, as in the opinion of the U.S. federal government the Declaration has no legal weight or legislative significance.) Among the causes that compelled the Founding Persons to declare their separation from the British empire was as follows - For Quartering large bodies of troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States(.) When reading the Declaration immediately after you finish this piece, I challenge you to substitute ‘the King of Great Britain’ with ‘the U.S. federal government.’ How similar to the conditions we face today were those which drove the Founding Persons to call bullshit and ouster their plutocratic overlords? (In a widely-circulated official Pentagon training manual, the Founding Persons - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, &c. are referred to as criminal extremists one rung below outright terrorists who would today be barred from military service). Are the conditions we currently face but another example of sic semper tyrannis, proof that a political force of sufficient size and longevity will naturally evolve into the very oppressive and dastardly power it once sought to overthrow - even a political force conceived for and supposedly dedicated to the purpose of bringing betterment and liberty to a large mass of people?
Unless we average citizens do something very soon, the million tentacles of the teenage police-state throbbing in our midst will seek out and suffocate what few freedoms we have left. Since 2001 C.E., civilians working as police officers have killed more unarmed and innocent civilians than the terrorists did on 11 September, albeit one or two and not hundreds or thousands at a time. How does one root out a beast as firmly latched to the fear-teat of modern America as a police force that slays our youth and hounds the defenseless whilst demanding knee-jerk and blind obedience to its every whim and fancy? A beast whose appetite for blood and gore never lingers, whose cruel heart pumps blood black and blue? Not quickly, efficiently, or thoroughly. To start, however, please know your rights, and record every interaction with the police. Beyond that, though, put on some lipstick and rouge, because we the People are pretty much fucked.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
Video recordings abound of police officers shooting unarmed or legally armed average civilians out of at best fearful aggression and at worst hateful convenience. When investigated, most of the shootings are deemed justified - by an attorney general or equivalent legal party who works frequently with the trigger-happy police officer and his colleagues, who must depend on the man’s good favor to efficiently perform his daily duties, and who is thus inclined to find the man’s behavior in accordance with whatever police-specific or special laws that he and his ilk conspire to uphold and protect. (The American people have given police officers leave to break the law - to lie, cheat, and steal - in order to secure a criminal conviction. Ought we be surprised that they’ve decided to include in their list of permitted crimes that of shooting first and asking the questions later?) The lawless savagery of absolute Despotism that occurs when those supposed to keep the peace are given leave to break it - at will and without fear of punishment - runs counter to the letter of our nation’s founding document, the Declaration of Independence. (In reality, It offers the People no protections, however, as in the opinion of the U.S. federal government the Declaration has no legal weight or legislative significance.) Among the causes that compelled the Founding Persons to declare their separation from the British empire was as follows - For Quartering large bodies of troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States(.) When reading the Declaration immediately after you finish this piece, I challenge you to substitute ‘the King of Great Britain’ with ‘the U.S. federal government.’ How similar to the conditions we face today were those which drove the Founding Persons to call bullshit and ouster their plutocratic overlords? (In a widely-circulated official Pentagon training manual, the Founding Persons - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, &c. are referred to as criminal extremists one rung below outright terrorists who would today be barred from military service). Are the conditions we currently face but another example of sic semper tyrannis, proof that a political force of sufficient size and longevity will naturally evolve into the very oppressive and dastardly power it once sought to overthrow - even a political force conceived for and supposedly dedicated to the purpose of bringing betterment and liberty to a large mass of people?
Unless we average citizens do something very soon, the million tentacles of the teenage police-state throbbing in our midst will seek out and suffocate what few freedoms we have left. Since 2001 C.E., civilians working as police officers have killed more unarmed and innocent civilians than the terrorists did on 11 September, albeit one or two and not hundreds or thousands at a time. How does one root out a beast as firmly latched to the fear-teat of modern America as a police force that slays our youth and hounds the defenseless whilst demanding knee-jerk and blind obedience to its every whim and fancy? A beast whose appetite for blood and gore never lingers, whose cruel heart pumps blood black and blue? Not quickly, efficiently, or thoroughly. To start, however, please know your rights, and record every interaction with the police. Beyond that, though, put on some lipstick and rouge, because we the People are pretty much fucked.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
02 August 2016
system of systemic
No amount of talking no volume no book will change the behavior of blowhards and crooks; they are but a symptom of systemic rot; they are not anomalies by a long-shot; they sprout up among us like vermin to feed on our insecurities worry and greed. It seems that their coming could not be avoided that we on these lower rungs must be exploited and lied to by rich fucks who stand up and claim that though they reaped profits their hands are unstained. These slags hide their monies in offshore accounts yet when caught red-handed do not then pay out or feed public coffers or give their fair share; that cash is all their own - not yours or mine, theirs. Each day they take more from us, these plutocrats; they drain us like leeches then hoard like pack-rats then convince their buddies in the Congress hall to bail out and shield them when banks they own fall. It’s simple enough for a dummy to learn: most of us will toil rejected and spurned whereas there’s a handful of blokes so wealthy that theirs is America, sea to bright sea. This here situation is not new but old; it’s found in plays the ancient Greeks themselves told; it cannot be fixed for that’s just how man works - he steals from poor children and gives to rich jerks.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
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