29 February 2012

on the desecration of art

From Downtown to Venice, the city of Los Angeles is stripped of her street art. Gone – it is nearly all gone. Miles of walls once covered with unique and compelling works of art now stand bare. Tens of thousands of graffiti – each one carefully crafted, each one applied under threat of imprisonment – were removed and casually discarded. This was once a city where people came to walk among the street-side galleries, where they hunted for street art in alleys and forgotten spaces, but no more. The artistic bounty of LA's children is trashed and torn; it fills nearby hills in useless and soiled clumps. The beautiful images that once buoyed with raucous passions the hearts of thousands of virtuous human beings are defaced, defiled, and destroyed.

The phaltscape is barren and ravished, a monotonous and boring wasteland. Now, the street art of LA sits hidden from view behind gates and guards, held hostage by museums that whore it out to their affluent and agoraphobic patrons. Graffiti is a meritocracy, the most free of free speech, liberty at her best; it is a realm of endless and rich possibility that rewards those who keep at getting better. As does the soul of a wild-born tiger caught, broken, and caged, street art dies when kept prisoner. Please, City of Los Angeles, stop wantonly destroying the art your people work so hard to create.

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