In Hershey, PA, last night, the president-elect disappointed. Instead of embarking on the path of someone who has risen above partisan rhetoric, someone trying to make America truly great again, he dragged out the old racist slogans and hateful language, at one point mocking a disabled reporter. Perhaps he was just speaking to the crowd, rich Caucasians who booed loudly any time he mentioned Obama. Perhaps, though, his semi-sane suggestions of the last few weeks have been nothing but more smoke and mirrors from the Big Angry Orange. My companion and I left early, and so maybe we missed the part of Trump’s speech where he promised to disentangle America from its ongoing and illegal involvement in armed conflicts from Syria to Yemen. Most of what we saw appeared to be the president-elect rehashing his electoral victories and basically being publically jerked off by his legions of adoring white fans. Short on policy proposals but long on windbag self-aggrandizement, this author suggests that the ‘I Thank You Tour’ should be renamed the ‘You Thank Me Tour,’ and that Old Stumpy take things down a peg.
© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
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