26 December 2016

on routine, briefly

To lose weight, science says to decrease the intake of calories whilst increasing their output. In other words, to eat less and exercise more. This may sound simple but it can in fact be difficult - especially if the person seeking to lose weight follows few regular routines or performs few standard rituals. One ritual that has helped this author is a morning yoga practice. Performing enough sun salutations to wake up the body and synchronize it to with the brain, a morning practice is a strong way to praise the arrival of Sol Brother, this solar system’s sun. In Western countries, rituals are often reserved for official or sanctified places such as government buildings or churches. The average citizen is not encouraged to explore the inherent value of practicing personal and private rites - the ‘higher-ups’ do it for him! Perhaps as a method for teaching him blind obedience to authority figures, he is not taught to practice on his own; instead, he goes to his religious or civic leader, observing them as they go through the motions instead of staying home and doing the motions himself. With its twisted notion that only its priests can speak to That Which Cannot Be Named (whom they call Yahweh), the Catholic Church is one of the worst offenders in this field, telling its adherents that only at ‘their house’ and only through ‘their man’ might they communicate with the Great Mother. To break free of this hegemony, consider starting your own traditions such as a morning routine to welcome the sun or an evening ritual to wish it a safe and speedy return. Please start small and work your way into a longer ceremony that incorporates stretching, reading, and quiet reflection time. Each human alive today is an effortless expression of universal perfection... bring holiness back into your life by starting your own routines, today!

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

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