In her Guardian piece entitled America: don’t be polite in the face of demagoguery, Jessica Valenti makes a few solid points. The main thrust of her argument appears to be as follows: The best way for free-thinking and open-minded Ynki who disapprove of his damaging ways and dangerous proposals is to shame and ridicule their incoming president - a proto-fascistic, narcissistic, and greedy demagogue who seems hellbent on destroying the steps this country has taken in the last 100 odd years to share the wealth America creates among all Americans equally.
This author has for nearly a decade now heaped brimstone and vituperation upon the various public figures and institutions he feels are endangering the essence of the American experiment. What have these writings gotten him? Little more than the satisfaction of knowing that he has played a small role in speaking truth to power. America’s elected leaders must be forced to remember that they govern only by the consent of the governed. One way of doing this is by speaking aloud or publishing articles that ridicule and mock their poor and short-sighted decisions. Together, united behind the common causes of Safety and Happiness, we the People can accomplish much; divided as we are, however, in our insular homes, separated from one another by television and fear of the unknown, we will continue to be treated as pawns with little power.
Until balance is achieved in this land, until the government fears and respects the People (in whom all power rests), this whorphan will continue his efforts to shame and ridicule the forces of oppression that so tightly strangle our potential greatness.
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
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