In the aftermath of World War Two, as the British Empire was collapsing under its bloated inefficiencies, it was redrawing borders around the world in sloppy, hasty fashion. These borders still cause tension, primarily where they broke up (or forced together) religious populations, splitting cohesive cultural groups along artificial boundaries. Notable examples of these poorly planned British demarcations of territory can still be found in Asia (Iraq, Pakistan, India) and Africa (Zimbabwe). One area particularly prone to violence and disaffection is the Middle East, where the carving out of a separate Jewish-run state by British planners in an area historically inhabited by Muslims to this day causes war, chaos, and hatred. From a certain point of view, the creation of a Zionist state where no such state previously existed resembles the current attempts by Daesh (i.e. ISIS, ISIL) extremists to establish a quasi-Islamic caliphate in the Levant. When Israel came into being, the local populations fought against its existence, furious that apparent foreigners with strange customs and curious headwear had set up shop within their midst and were enforcing the laws of their religion.
All empires fail, all tyrannies at some point face extinction. As the American Empire reaches its zenith, as Pax Amerikana grinds to its inexorable halt, it is fitting to ponder what could happen in the areas now controlled by the Ynki war machine when it, too, collapses. Will America carve out a portion of its vassal state of Saudi Arabia so that Daesh may settle there? Will one of the Ynki-owned Pacific islands be given to quasi-Islamic religious extremists whose goal is to subject all of humanity to Sharia law? Will the Western powers change their tune and start talking ‘self-determination’ when they realize that their attempts to stop a group of religious extremists from gaining independence cause more problems than they fix? Will the world cry foul at the (supposedly accidental) slaughter of innocents during the military reconquest of Mosul, demanding appeasement for the hardliners in order to limit their brutal oppression to but one contained geopolitical entity?
Using history as a guide, the following is likely to happen. America will hold onto its overseas possessions tenaciously, fighting tooth and nail to make sure money keeps flowing out of foreign economies and into the pockets of indigenous corporate bosses. America will continue its policy of intervention in external affairs, toppling democratically elected governments in countries fighting to be free of its meddling and interference. America will send troops into battle to maintain its authoritarian control over foreign populations yearning to be free. America will use propaganda and counter propaganda to poison the minds of its own people against the world at large, whipping them into a nationalistic frenzy and blinding them to the crimes and injustices being performed in their name. Only after unthinkable atrocities have been committed in the name of ‘liberty and justice’ and countless lives have been sacrificed to the gods of greed and destruction is the Ynki juggernaut likely to fail. For millions of oppressed persons around the world, the downfall of the American Empire will come not a moment too soon. The inevitable approacheth. Sic semper tyrannis!
© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
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