Hope simmers today in America - hope for Liberty! During a recent trip to Washington State, this author experienced a brief taste of the true power simmering behind the unalienable (but heretofore aliened) rights set forth by the Constitution and Declaration. Rather than having to arrange shady dealings, persons in that State who desire to pursue their Happiness with the help of marijuana are free to do just that; rather than being forced into the shadows or hounded by cops, people who enjoy weed can in that State consume their stimulant of choice anywhere cigarette smokers also can, be it in public or private. Oh how the police in that State must be fuming now that the spigot of funds has closed that once flowed from the federal government into their coffers in support of the war on drugs (and against freedom). In a State where the people are free to smoke the chronic bubonic without fear of brutal nanny-state intervention, 40 years of anti-American policing actions have come to a grinding halt.
This author salutes the brave Washingtonians who are standing up to oppression by sparking up their joints; his heart is buoyed by the levels of freedom regained by valiant acts of righteous disobedience in pursuit of personal Liberties. The body of each citizen is the ultimate repository of life, liberty, and property as set forth in the Fifth Amendment; because his body is his life and his liberty and his property, anything he does to his body without infringing upon anyone else’s body is a protected act. Once all Americans call for the end of the war against Constitutionally protected activities (i.e. the war on drugs), this nation will shudder with vibrant energy as hundreds of millions finally breathe freely. Huzzah.
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
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