There are spies in my cell-phone. They were planted by clandestine government agents whose job is to promote corporate profits at the expense of democracy and human rights.
There are swine in the white house. They were installed by people who live their lives in fear of whatever their television sets tell them to fear.
There are children starving in America. They starve because capitalism is the most efficient system ever created to drain resources from the many in order to enrich the few.
Plastic pollutes all waters both salt and fresh. This plastic pollution exists because people living in the Western world have bought into the false notion that some things can be discarded after having been used only once.
As long as billionaires profit from the aforementioned imbalances, they will persist. As long as I and the population at large continue to pursue comfortable lives instead of virtuously meaningful ones, these injustices will continue. I’m waking up. Are you?
americanifesto / JPR / whorphan / 場黑麥
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