13 September 2013

on pulling back

During the second week of September, 2013, I eased off my regular hardcore yoga practice in hopes of letting my back heal. While bicycling the week before, I had turned my head to scan for traffic and felt something shift in the tissue surrounding my second and third lumbar vertebrae. Not a violent or agonizing pain, it would flare when I bent from the waist or turned into standing poses such as Warrior II Interlock or Twisting Warrior I. Having already slacked a bit over the weekend while visiting friends (and meeting a beautiful young lady) in Washington, D.C., I did only rudimentary morning practices until Wednesday, when I could stand and move without experiencing any pain in the low back. The rewards of easing off of the daily full yoga sessions have been manifold: I am more enthusiastic about and have more energy to complete my 2-hour-long, predawn practices; I am proud of myself for listening to my body and respecting the information it was giving me; once the pain was gone I dove right back into the discipline, selecting challenging classes and not just giving up as I would have done in the old days; and I have used some of the energy and love generated in my practices to clear my mind of worry I have been harboring about what the aforementioned young lady thinks of me, for I have been thinking about her a lot, I enjoy her presence, and since this is the first time in a long time I find my attraction and interest reciprocated by another, I am over-analyzing everything and trying really hard not to fuck things up. Regardless of what occurs, I shall remember that pulling back is sometimes necessary to getting ahead. Aho!

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

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