There are friends who want what's good then those who are concerned just with bellying up to a bar. To conquer the ego and harness its faults; stand up, face the music of this fragile waltz; revel in the beauty of our tiny Earth; is all one can hope to do, starting from birth. When others attempt to control dictate lead concerned not with joy but with merely their greed they just satisfy what they feel deep inside and then drag some others along for the ride. To not face one's demons is a faulty path, for one will soon incur Miss Fate's patient wrath and wind up without much to show for oneself beside empty bottles lined up on a shelf. I reject this method for dealing with stress and would rather do say try and attempt less and sit by myself in this room made of flesh – this mortal warm bloody mobile living crèche. Thank you sir but no thanks, I must say more oft and keep all my energies lifted aloft and learn to stay focused in the here and now and wrap up my fleshy pulsating man-plow. No amount of liquor can quench this here thirst; to drink so much sugar just makes most things worse; so throw down that flagon and go take a walk; enough of this rambling self-righteous talk.
© americanifesto / 場黑麥
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