30 September 2016

last and let

Just what sort of person do we want in charge - she who does tread softly or he who does barge? This sits at the crux of the matter at hand regarding who shall man the helm of this land which will be decided in November soon by citizens voting for harpy or loon. Our world’s become complex and that with a quickness resembling more and more a viral sickness which cannot be controlled by might fright or reason especially during an election season. There are other options not just these two hacks who relish in making personal attacks: there’s too Gary Johnson and Dr. Jill Stein who do seem to have fresh ideas on their minds. Perhaps we should split up the union at last and let the Deep South elect a foul-mouthed ass and let the Northeast get its own female leader and let the West Coast decide who would be sweeter - a dyed in the wool free market touting man or a doctor who for Mother Nature stands? If nothing this cycle is interesting a strange and a curious recurring thing please be sure to tune in and cast a ballot (future generations will thank you a lot).

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

26 September 2016

if tomorrow great

Be now gone this rotten core for I can’t stand it any more. It’s been long since I have seen the cracks and fissures in-between but so I saw and so was witnessed some hard truth about life’s business. We each perish, everyone, whether way old or really young; precious is each passing day so please take some time to laugh and play for there’s no telling if tomorrow great will be a family’s sorrow. Thus shall end this simple writing and thus ends this wrophan’s fighting against that which can’t be cheated once his candle is depleted.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

19 September 2016

boner or whatever

Please sing loudly with me this one simple song: I do make mistakes and what I did was wrong. Now it doesn’t matter if one did commit the error the boner or whatever shit - the mere fact of speaking this freely, out loud, should clear out some gathering confusion clouds. By owning a mistake one proves to the world that one’s humility is indeed a pearl which shines from the bosom which shines from the heart - that one is not merely a rubbish upstart. The humble inherit a wealth without measure; they know an abiding and deeply-felt pleasure; they live without fearing their sins will be known for they from the start made sure these would be shown. Few of us do things right; we are prone to err; the above admission does prove that we dare to live up to failure and live up to loss - not as a base weakling but as a full boss.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

14 September 2016


the man on the TV is selling some wares that promise to vanquish all worries and cares

12 September 2016

whence they’ve come

There blasts from the bottom of that lava rock some dark seeking tendrils that gave me a shock. I had picked it up to check its taste and flavor - to see if its power I could hold and measure - but soon I did place it back down on the floor for I couldn’t hold it for one moment more. My left hand did ache it had taken the brunt of the screaming forces that the rock had spent and weak was my vision and my deep resolve for trying this puzzle to dutifully solve. Such rocks can’t be taken from their home, you see, especially not from the likes of Hawai’i; they must be returned to the place whence they’ve come in order to lessen the damage they’ve done. I then placed the rock between two temple dogs and asked it for patience whilst ‘round go the clogs of thinking and planning to get it back to the place where such damage it’s not wont to do. Oh ye goddess mighty oh ye goddess wise ye who doth alight wearing many a guise please help me to remedy this tipped o’er cart so that can be made a fresh and uncursed start. Mahalo.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

09 September 2016

ask, request, command

Though flawed in many ways, modern English has figured a few things out. After 500 years of usage, standard words now exist that allow its user to inquire, to entreat, and to issue orders. Using these standard words, the English speaker is able to express himself clearly, concisely, and efficiently. The following are examples of some simple words and standard usages that, if used correctly, allow for streamlined communications.

The English speaker seeking to ask a question about someone’s ability to do something ought use the word ‘can.’ “Can you put the toilet seat down?” is a question about someone’s ability to put the toilet seat down, not a request for him to do so.
The English speaker seeking to request something of someone else ought use the word ‘will,’ or a variant thereof. “Would you put the toilet seat down?” is a request for someone to perform that act in the immediate future.
The English speaker seeking to direct the actions of another ought use the accusative form of the appropriate verb. “Put the toilet seat down!” is a command directed at someone else, a way to tell someone else to do something - not tomorrow, not later, but now.
These standard words and usages developed for a reason; they are not interchangeable, and efforts to use them in place of one another leads quickly to confusion.

Asking someone if they ‘want’ to do something is not the same as asking them to do that thing - it’s an inquiry into their personal desires and aspirations. Trying to turn a question into a request by using the word ‘please’ in conjunction with ‘can’ as a substitute for an inquiry or command is a crutch. Physical crutches are something a person discards as soon as he is well enough to move around without them. Similarly, linguistic crutches ought be discarded as soon as a person is comfortable with the standard words and usages mentioned above.

For more information, please read a book named ‘The Elements of Style’ by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

07 September 2016

down and locked

The more we say the worse it sounds and louder bay our ego’s hounds and closer we’re to fauxing pas as if we were some foolish asses. To stay quiet to stay still is a mighty and precious skill that but few bother with today - rather in our ruts we’ll stay. Doubled down and locked in tight we utter things that aren’t right that smack of ignorance galore then say them louder and some more. In this hectic day and age we’re not taught to deal with our rage but to just spew at whom we please - just catering to ego’s needs. I am guilty of this too yet joining me are precious few in turning from what’s false inside and into the warm shining light that utters from the core of love that lives deep inside each of us.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

05 September 2016

in dire straits

A lone American football player exercises his right to free speech using the public platform at his disposal. In response, an entire police department threatens to not do its job. By merely sitting quietly while others stood, this man sparked a national debate about free speech, respect, and honor. This conversation addresses questions swirling at the core of the American experiment. May citizens of this nation express themselves freely or should they be forced to stand at attention and display mindless devotion to a rectangular piece of cloth? The American flag represents a living nation. As such, it is a living thing that may not be glued or otherwise affixed to any article of clothing. Who enforces these federal flag laws that make it a crime to wear an American flag t-shirt? Will the police department in question start issuing citations to the tens of thousands of citizens who attend baseball games using the flag as wearing apparel - hats and shirts with a living thing illegally glued to them? A person walking down the street with a labrador retriever stapled to the front of his sweatshirt would be soon arrested for animal cruelty, but millions of Americans commit flag cruelty every day, and get away scott free. When a police department is allowed to choose which laws to enforce and which to ignore, when it publicly threatens to walk away from its duties and only a few citizens find that troubling, the republic for which the flag stands is in dire straits. To parrot the words of a current presidential candidate - people who don’t like free speech should leave America and find another country that works for them, a place where obedience is strictly enforced and any lack of respect for arbitrary symbolism is met with harsh and rapid sanction. That may sound like paradise to some, but it sure as syphilis doesn’t sound like one to me.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

02 September 2016

Boston destroys heritage

In the wake of apparently deliberate acts of art desecration, the city of Boston, Massachusetts, USA, lies stripped of much of its artistic and cultural heritage. Irreparably damaged are thousands of unique works posted at significant personal risk by scores of talented individuals; gone are untold treasures, wiped from the face of the Earth by the censor’s brush and scraper. Once a place which people visited to marvel at the ingenuity of the human imagination, Boston has joined the ranks of many other American cities that view street art as entirely devoid of intrinsic worth, something to be rooted out, painted over, and destroyed. As someone who travels to cities around the world in order to curate their graffiti, I weep at the destruction wrought by the city of Boston upon its open-air art galleries. Light poles once adorned with riots of colorful stickers now stand bare; walls once covered by compellingly crafted murals now display nothing more than a coating of drab paint. Does Boston at least photograph these works of art before forcibly removing them from view? Would it allow an art-loving citizen such as me to precede its roving Art Desecration Squads so that I can at least photograph each piece before it is scraped off or painted over? Likely, it would not, as such a concession might lend credibility to the artistic endeavors of rogue but creative individuals who spend their time and money on trying to make the world a more colorful and exciting place. In our American police state, it appears, the only works of art that have the right to exist in public are politically correct advertisements selling us drugs and clothes, snacks and cellphones. To be fair, there are some street artists whose primary aim appears to be the destruction of property. The majority of these elusive and cunning individuals, however, seem to be acting out of a desire to challenge the sterilization of our communal spaces, to bring color and design to areas devoid of both. Mankind’s oldest form of artistic expression, the application of graffiti spans millennia, continents, and cultures. From the Egyptian pyramids to the caves at Lascaux, from America’s oldest structures to ancient Southeast Asian cities, graffiti - more than perhaps any other form of artistic expression - unites mankind. To the graffiti lovers of the world: avoid Boston! Little remains here of our unique and exuberant cultural heritage.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥

01 September 2016

lessen the Fear

No thought rhyme or action no word uttered here can change what is coming or lessen the Fear. Our freedoms stand gutted we let them erode after a few false-flag terror episodes used by our top leaders to whip into froth a nation of crybabies lazy and soft. We bomb other people with ‘bots in the sky our lakes they are poisoned our rivers run dry but we just keep spending the People’s own dollars on whips and on chains and on man-sized dog collars. America’s above and better than this we once were a beacon of promise and bliss but now we’re reviled a thousand times ten by freethinking women and peace-loving men. So sit back and relax the finale’s near when the clouds of anger and hatefulness clear and this once-good nation returns to the task of minding it’s business - not others’ - at last.

© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥