In the face of a hostile takeover of the U.S. federal government by a lackey of the banking-industrial complex, the People are beginning to rise up. Protests erupted around the country in the face of the supposed leader of the free world’s ban on Muslims entering the country. Presidents are forced to listen to the People only when the People make enough noise for a long enough time. This author salutes the brave citizens who are, as he is, sick and tired of this supposed leader and of the spineless career politicians who are allowing a proto-fascist to hijack America’s already weakened democracy.
Stand tall, ye who yet fight to stop the construction of a poisonous black snake; the hot core of America’s remaining virtue stands with you. Fight on, ye who see the sitting president for the fascist narcissistic hatemonger that he is; the eyes of Lady Liberty brim with joyful tears at the sight of your courage. By keeping pressure on this tyrannical fool, we may just force the greedy and the shortsighted to end their assaults on the core values of American democracy, which can be summed up as follows: inclusion of and respect toward all persons regardless of their race, creed, or sexuality; material support of all persons equally using the abundant resources found on Turtle Island, resources that all persons equally own; love for the weak, the downtrodden, and those who can but poorly defend themselves; and a firm dedication to the notion that all persons are endowed with the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Mahalo, huzzah, and om swastiastu.
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑
30 January 2017
27 January 2017
where freedom reigns
Hope simmers today in America - hope for Liberty! During a recent trip to Washington State, this author experienced a brief taste of the true power simmering behind the unalienable (but heretofore aliened) rights set forth by the Constitution and Declaration. Rather than having to arrange shady dealings, persons in that State who desire to pursue their Happiness with the help of marijuana are free to do just that; rather than being forced into the shadows or hounded by cops, people who enjoy weed can in that State consume their stimulant of choice anywhere cigarette smokers also can, be it in public or private. Oh how the police in that State must be fuming now that the spigot of funds has closed that once flowed from the federal government into their coffers in support of the war on drugs (and against freedom). In a State where the people are free to smoke the chronic bubonic without fear of brutal nanny-state intervention, 40 years of anti-American policing actions have come to a grinding halt.
This author salutes the brave Washingtonians who are standing up to oppression by sparking up their joints; his heart is buoyed by the levels of freedom regained by valiant acts of righteous disobedience in pursuit of personal Liberties. The body of each citizen is the ultimate repository of life, liberty, and property as set forth in the Fifth Amendment; because his body is his life and his liberty and his property, anything he does to his body without infringing upon anyone else’s body is a protected act. Once all Americans call for the end of the war against Constitutionally protected activities (i.e. the war on drugs), this nation will shudder with vibrant energy as hundreds of millions finally breathe freely. Huzzah.
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
This author salutes the brave Washingtonians who are standing up to oppression by sparking up their joints; his heart is buoyed by the levels of freedom regained by valiant acts of righteous disobedience in pursuit of personal Liberties. The body of each citizen is the ultimate repository of life, liberty, and property as set forth in the Fifth Amendment; because his body is his life and his liberty and his property, anything he does to his body without infringing upon anyone else’s body is a protected act. Once all Americans call for the end of the war against Constitutionally protected activities (i.e. the war on drugs), this nation will shudder with vibrant energy as hundreds of millions finally breathe freely. Huzzah.
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
16 January 2017
regarding patriotic sacrifice
On this day, I and many like-minded Americans remember the life and actions of civil rights leader and stalwart patriot Martin Luther King Junior. Born into a troubled society segregated by skin color, and ripped from this world by a cabal of both federal agencies and private criminals, Mr. King fought for the right of all Americans to enjoy Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (unhindered and in perpetuity). He preached nonviolence and civil disobedience, notions I too believe are the most expedite and just means the People possess for holding to account the undemocratic oligarchy that the People have allowed to gain power over this land. For these reasons primarily I write blogs and articles critical of Ynki governments - not to incite violence or demand their dissolution but to point out the extent to which they have lost sight of the essence of the American experiment, the extent to which they are working actively against the interests of all People equally.
As in most larger assemblages of people, the corruption of the persons in power tends to trickle down; soon, the population at large follows suit. After the exposure of corruption in the New York City police department in 1971 by Frank Serpico, different types of crimes committed by the general population appeared to decrease. Though the correlations may be coincidental, I believe they are connected. When persons in power see no problem with breaking the law, average citizens tend to adopt a similar attitude; when however the powerful are taken to task, the lowly will adjust their ways. America was designed to be a place where every man person is his neighbor’s equal, where all enjoy the same rights, privileges, and duties. In one of his most lauded speeches, Mr. King repeatedly spoke of equality for all Americans regardless of race, religion, or socio-economic condition. By raising up even a single voice in protest and mockery of the usurpers of this land, one can work to stymie those who aim to further this perversion of the American experiment.
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
As in most larger assemblages of people, the corruption of the persons in power tends to trickle down; soon, the population at large follows suit. After the exposure of corruption in the New York City police department in 1971 by Frank Serpico, different types of crimes committed by the general population appeared to decrease. Though the correlations may be coincidental, I believe they are connected. When persons in power see no problem with breaking the law, average citizens tend to adopt a similar attitude; when however the powerful are taken to task, the lowly will adjust their ways. America was designed to be a place where every man person is his neighbor’s equal, where all enjoy the same rights, privileges, and duties. In one of his most lauded speeches, Mr. King repeatedly spoke of equality for all Americans regardless of race, religion, or socio-economic condition. By raising up even a single voice in protest and mockery of the usurpers of this land, one can work to stymie those who aim to further this perversion of the American experiment.
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
13 January 2017
free and sovereign
A man who does not live on land owned by the federal government is not its subject; a man who has never signed a form giving his explicit consent to being is not ruled by the federal government. As a logical consequence, he is a free and sovereign citizen who is not subject to draconian and tyrannical rules dreamed up by fat cat bureaucrats in Washington. Every person living in America today who fits the above parameters is also free and sovereign. Yay!
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑
09 January 2017
on cinematic directives
After watching the movie ‘Exit Through The Giftshop’, I labored to become a real graffito. Stickers. Studying. Field excursions. Permanent markers. More stickers. Reconnaissance. Repetition, repetition, repetition. Now, after having watched the movie ‘The Trotsky’ (starring Jay Baruchel), I ask myself if I am going to become a real revolutionary - not just some bitchy, uppity sap who spews forth with a weak broth of political vituperation on blogs that few people read and websites that few people visit. (I shall let this last sentence as an example of the self-deprecating thought processes and the vigilant self-censorship that many economic Untermenschen in America have been trained to exhibit in order to keep themselves in a state of mental and emotional subjugation.) It matters little how many people read these writings, for it is not up to me to direct or hinder the attentions of my fellow man; such decisions are made by forces beyond our ken, and I ought be happy with whatever I receive. (Hence this ancient saying: The giver knows the fullness of life, the taker but at an empty hand.)
Now, I have the opportunity to study the relevant texts and expand upon the ideas that America’s Founders laid down for a (Marxist) communist utopia upon her shores; to emulate the thinking and draw from the rhetoric that led millions to rise up in rebellion against their czarist overlords a century ago this year; and to rouse the rabble in the defense and reclamation of the rights and privileges taken from us by elected officials who have forgotten that their mission is to work for the benefit of all Americans not to enrich their affluent friends by keeping America in a constant state of war. Should I choose to take this path, I endeavor to avoid reinventing the wheel by culling from the great political works of the past such notions and platforms as I feel will help me and those who might join this cause to create a Ynki nation where all things that government does ‘seem most likely to effect [our] Safety and Happiness‘ (Declaration of Independence). Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
Now, I have the opportunity to study the relevant texts and expand upon the ideas that America’s Founders laid down for a (Marxist) communist utopia upon her shores; to emulate the thinking and draw from the rhetoric that led millions to rise up in rebellion against their czarist overlords a century ago this year; and to rouse the rabble in the defense and reclamation of the rights and privileges taken from us by elected officials who have forgotten that their mission is to work for the benefit of all Americans not to enrich their affluent friends by keeping America in a constant state of war. Should I choose to take this path, I endeavor to avoid reinventing the wheel by culling from the great political works of the past such notions and platforms as I feel will help me and those who might join this cause to create a Ynki nation where all things that government does ‘seem most likely to effect [our] Safety and Happiness‘ (Declaration of Independence). Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
06 January 2017
an impolite proposal
In her Guardian piece entitled America: don’t be polite in the face of demagoguery, Jessica Valenti makes a few solid points. The main thrust of her argument appears to be as follows: The best way for free-thinking and open-minded Ynki who disapprove of his damaging ways and dangerous proposals is to shame and ridicule their incoming president - a proto-fascistic, narcissistic, and greedy demagogue who seems hellbent on destroying the steps this country has taken in the last 100 odd years to share the wealth America creates among all Americans equally.
This author has for nearly a decade now heaped brimstone and vituperation upon the various public figures and institutions he feels are endangering the essence of the American experiment. What have these writings gotten him? Little more than the satisfaction of knowing that he has played a small role in speaking truth to power. America’s elected leaders must be forced to remember that they govern only by the consent of the governed. One way of doing this is by speaking aloud or publishing articles that ridicule and mock their poor and short-sighted decisions. Together, united behind the common causes of Safety and Happiness, we the People can accomplish much; divided as we are, however, in our insular homes, separated from one another by television and fear of the unknown, we will continue to be treated as pawns with little power.
Until balance is achieved in this land, until the government fears and respects the People (in whom all power rests), this whorphan will continue his efforts to shame and ridicule the forces of oppression that so tightly strangle our potential greatness.
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
This author has for nearly a decade now heaped brimstone and vituperation upon the various public figures and institutions he feels are endangering the essence of the American experiment. What have these writings gotten him? Little more than the satisfaction of knowing that he has played a small role in speaking truth to power. America’s elected leaders must be forced to remember that they govern only by the consent of the governed. One way of doing this is by speaking aloud or publishing articles that ridicule and mock their poor and short-sighted decisions. Together, united behind the common causes of Safety and Happiness, we the People can accomplish much; divided as we are, however, in our insular homes, separated from one another by television and fear of the unknown, we will continue to be treated as pawns with little power.
Until balance is achieved in this land, until the government fears and respects the People (in whom all power rests), this whorphan will continue his efforts to shame and ridicule the forces of oppression that so tightly strangle our potential greatness.
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
04 January 2017
an unconstitutional presidency
A crisis looms; stormclouds are massing. Unless he can sell off his last holdings and put them all into a blind trust, the president-elect will on 20 January 2017, his inauguration day, violate the Constitution. Should he on that day run foul of the emoluments clause, he will have to be impeached immediately. It won’t make much difference, however, if his violations persist. America long ago abandoned the principles upon which it was founded: there is no clause that calls for the Ynki to act as the world’s policeman, doling out punishment or refraining from applying it as he sees fit; nowhere in the Constitution are provisions for a military industrial complex; nowhere does this nation’s supposedly most sacred text propose that America must be constantly at war for its economy to thrive; nowhere does our founding document indicate that non-human corporations should enjoy the same rights as flesh-and-blood people do, or that the wealth created by society as a whole should be given to a few affluent capitalists. We citizens of America have allowed these aberrations to stand; we citizens of America have allowed these violations to continue. As Americans, each and every one of us is responsible for the crimes and injustices our weapons of war visit upon the downtrodden peoples of this world - be they bombs dropped by us or ones loosed by a tyrannical client-regime.
As discussed in an earlier post, the American government now treats its citizens similarly to how we were treated by the British monarchy before declaring our independence. The rule of law applies to some of us, not all of us equally; armed agents of the state kill us without due process or punishment; taxes are imposed upon us without our consent; our seas lie plundered of their bounty, poisoned by industrial run-off; our coasts and forests sit ravaged, their diversity raped for short-term gain. The incoming president will violate the Constitution as soon as he is sworn in, and few of us will give a shit about it. Welcome to America - land of the greedy, home of the enslaved.
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
As discussed in an earlier post, the American government now treats its citizens similarly to how we were treated by the British monarchy before declaring our independence. The rule of law applies to some of us, not all of us equally; armed agents of the state kill us without due process or punishment; taxes are imposed upon us without our consent; our seas lie plundered of their bounty, poisoned by industrial run-off; our coasts and forests sit ravaged, their diversity raped for short-term gain. The incoming president will violate the Constitution as soon as he is sworn in, and few of us will give a shit about it. Welcome to America - land of the greedy, home of the enslaved.
JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
02 January 2017
on Ynki overreach
In the aftermath of World War Two, as the British Empire was collapsing under its bloated inefficiencies, it was redrawing borders around the world in sloppy, hasty fashion. These borders still cause tension, primarily where they broke up (or forced together) religious populations, splitting cohesive cultural groups along artificial boundaries. Notable examples of these poorly planned British demarcations of territory can still be found in Asia (Iraq, Pakistan, India) and Africa (Zimbabwe). One area particularly prone to violence and disaffection is the Middle East, where the carving out of a separate Jewish-run state by British planners in an area historically inhabited by Muslims to this day causes war, chaos, and hatred. From a certain point of view, the creation of a Zionist state where no such state previously existed resembles the current attempts by Daesh (i.e. ISIS, ISIL) extremists to establish a quasi-Islamic caliphate in the Levant. When Israel came into being, the local populations fought against its existence, furious that apparent foreigners with strange customs and curious headwear had set up shop within their midst and were enforcing the laws of their religion.
All empires fail, all tyrannies at some point face extinction. As the American Empire reaches its zenith, as Pax Amerikana grinds to its inexorable halt, it is fitting to ponder what could happen in the areas now controlled by the Ynki war machine when it, too, collapses. Will America carve out a portion of its vassal state of Saudi Arabia so that Daesh may settle there? Will one of the Ynki-owned Pacific islands be given to quasi-Islamic religious extremists whose goal is to subject all of humanity to Sharia law? Will the Western powers change their tune and start talking ‘self-determination’ when they realize that their attempts to stop a group of religious extremists from gaining independence cause more problems than they fix? Will the world cry foul at the (supposedly accidental) slaughter of innocents during the military reconquest of Mosul, demanding appeasement for the hardliners in order to limit their brutal oppression to but one contained geopolitical entity?
Using history as a guide, the following is likely to happen. America will hold onto its overseas possessions tenaciously, fighting tooth and nail to make sure money keeps flowing out of foreign economies and into the pockets of indigenous corporate bosses. America will continue its policy of intervention in external affairs, toppling democratically elected governments in countries fighting to be free of its meddling and interference. America will send troops into battle to maintain its authoritarian control over foreign populations yearning to be free. America will use propaganda and counter propaganda to poison the minds of its own people against the world at large, whipping them into a nationalistic frenzy and blinding them to the crimes and injustices being performed in their name. Only after unthinkable atrocities have been committed in the name of ‘liberty and justice’ and countless lives have been sacrificed to the gods of greed and destruction is the Ynki juggernaut likely to fail. For millions of oppressed persons around the world, the downfall of the American Empire will come not a moment too soon. The inevitable approacheth. Sic semper tyrannis!
© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
All empires fail, all tyrannies at some point face extinction. As the American Empire reaches its zenith, as Pax Amerikana grinds to its inexorable halt, it is fitting to ponder what could happen in the areas now controlled by the Ynki war machine when it, too, collapses. Will America carve out a portion of its vassal state of Saudi Arabia so that Daesh may settle there? Will one of the Ynki-owned Pacific islands be given to quasi-Islamic religious extremists whose goal is to subject all of humanity to Sharia law? Will the Western powers change their tune and start talking ‘self-determination’ when they realize that their attempts to stop a group of religious extremists from gaining independence cause more problems than they fix? Will the world cry foul at the (supposedly accidental) slaughter of innocents during the military reconquest of Mosul, demanding appeasement for the hardliners in order to limit their brutal oppression to but one contained geopolitical entity?
Using history as a guide, the following is likely to happen. America will hold onto its overseas possessions tenaciously, fighting tooth and nail to make sure money keeps flowing out of foreign economies and into the pockets of indigenous corporate bosses. America will continue its policy of intervention in external affairs, toppling democratically elected governments in countries fighting to be free of its meddling and interference. America will send troops into battle to maintain its authoritarian control over foreign populations yearning to be free. America will use propaganda and counter propaganda to poison the minds of its own people against the world at large, whipping them into a nationalistic frenzy and blinding them to the crimes and injustices being performed in their name. Only after unthinkable atrocities have been committed in the name of ‘liberty and justice’ and countless lives have been sacrificed to the gods of greed and destruction is the Ynki juggernaut likely to fail. For millions of oppressed persons around the world, the downfall of the American Empire will come not a moment too soon. The inevitable approacheth. Sic semper tyrannis!
© JPR / whorphan / americanifesto / 場黑麥
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